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The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology true
By:David M. Buss
Published on 2005-07-15 by John Wiley & Sons

The foundations of practice and the most recent discoveries in theintriguing newfield of evolutionary psychology Why is the mind designed the way it is? How does input from the environment interact with the mind to produce behavior? By taking aim at such questions, the science of evolutionary psychology has emerged as a vibrant new discipline producing groundbreaking insights. In The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, leading contributors discuss the foundations of the field as well as recent discoveries currently shaping this burgeoning area of psychology. Guided by an editorial board made up of such luminaries as Leda Cosmides, John Tooby, Don Symons, Steve Pinker, Martin Daly, Margo Wilson, and Helena Cronin, the text's chapters delve into a comprehensive range of topics, covering the full range of the discipline: Foundations of evolutionary psychology Survival Mating Parenting and kinship Group living Interfaces with traditional disciplines of evolutionary psychology And interfaces across disciplines. In addition to an in-depth survey of the theory and practice of evolutionary psychology, the text also features an enlightening discussion of this discipline in the context of the law, medicine, and culture. An Afterword by Richard Dawkins provides some final thoughts from the renowned writer and exponent of evolutionary theory. Designed to set the standard for handbooks in the field, The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology is an indispensable reference tool for every evolutionary psychologist and student.

This Book was ranked at 25 by Google Books for keyword Psychology.

Book ID of The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology's Books is esDW3xTKoLIC, Book which was written byDavid M. Busshave ETAG "NU5oiVED4So"

Book which was published by John Wiley & Sons since 2005-07-15 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9780471727224 and ISBN 10 Code is 0471727229

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is true

Book which have "850 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under CategoryPsychology

Book was written in en

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The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology byDavid M. Buss

The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology -David M. Buss- 9780471727224

The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology -David M. Buss- 0471727229

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The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology byDavid M. Buss- Full Text Free Book

The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology byDavid M. Buss- Full Text Archive The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology byDavid M. Buss


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